Best Practices for Pond Algae Management

Mark Washburn

Algae play a crucial role in aquatic ecosystems by providing oxygen and serving as a food source for various organisms. However, excessive algae growth can lead to water quality issues, fish kills, and an unappealing appearance. Proper pond algae management ensures a healthy, balanced ecosystem while preventing harmful algal blooms (HABs).

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Algaecides In Hot Weather - A Safety Reminder

Mark Washburn

he problem is that as the water temperature rises, it's ability to retain dissolved oxygen begins to go does its maximum saturation point of DO.  

When an algaecide is applied in order to kill algae (the same could be said for herbicides on aquatic weeds) the plants will pull oxygen from the water as they die off.

And this can create very rapid oxygen drops and even depletion in a pond environment.  It should go without saying, but this is not good for fish.

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Ultrasonic Algae Control - Frequently Asked Questions

Mark Washburn

Here are some of the more common questions we get about ultrasonic algae control systems.  As always, if you still have questions that are not answered here, please reach out and we'll do our best to help.

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The Triple Threat To All Types Of Pond Algae – And It’s Approved By Mother Nature

Mark Washburn

For being such a simple type of plant, algae sure can be a stubborn little creature to get rid of, and although it’s a very natural and environmentally important plant to aquasystems, that doesn’t mean a pond owner has to like it.

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5 Myths Of Pond Algae Control

Mark Washburn
Of all the videos we've ever done, this has been one of the most watched.  The audio isn't terrific but the information is invaluable.  Along with many things of late at PAS, we have plans to update this one as well...but for now, this oldie but goodie still has a lot of relevance.

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Natural Pond Algae Control - Great Results Are Possible!

Mark Washburn
I know that sounds a bit like hyperbole...but the truth is, if you know how to stack the deck against have the best chance to win the battle and end up with a clean and clear pond. 

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Rainy Days And Your Pond

Mark Washburn

Ask anyone that's been through a drought and they'll tell you, rains are often welcome.  

Unless they never seem to stop.  

Lately I've been thinking about selling ark building plans.

We've set some records this spring with flooding, rainfall levels, and people have just simply had enough.   

And I know honestly that for many people, ponds are the least of their worries here.  

But make no mistake, ponds are affected by a lot of rain too.  So I put together a short video talking about that.

By the way, this is the first video I've made in several years...perhaps I'm a little rusty, but I think the information may still be helpful!

Products mentioned in the video: Biosphere Pro Beneficial Microbes

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How To Dose Pond Bacteria For The Best Results

Mark Washburn
For many pond owners, beneficial bacteria (good microbes) is an intriguing thing to try.  Compared to 15 years ago when we got started, there are way more microbials on the market today.  And it's for a good reason.  For many people they work to improve a pond without the use of chemicals.

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Pond Dye For Stopping Algae And Weeds

Mark Washburn

I get asked about pond dye a lot and I really do like the stuff.  

I don't necessarily ever recommend it above aeration, beneficial bacteria, or even chemicals in some cases because pond dye may not be powerful enough to turn a pond or weed problem around.

But it can surely slow them down or help these other methods work better.

Plus it's safe...made out of non-toxic, food grade ingredients, it's an eco-friendly way to help.

You can check out our current line of pond dye here.

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Hot Weather And Working On Your Pond

Mark Washburn

We have finally turned the corner towards summer!

Last week we were in the 70's, now we're hitting the 90's daily.  

So, I uploaded this short video on what to be thinking about right now as the temps go up.

One thing I didn't mention is to keep a cool drink nearby!

Welcome to summer...

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